For me, January meant signing off social media—a Digital Declutter of sorts. I'd recommend these 'declutter' periods for everyone once in a while. The intention isn't a detox. It's to create empty space in your life for you to step back, reflect on your values, and decide if how you spend your time aligns with them. Cal Newport goes into more detail on this concept in his book Digital Minimalism.

Due to the lack of a constant stream of stimulation, I started paying closer attention to what I was consuming this month and how it affected me. I started a list of some of my favorite things I stumbled across in Notion.

First was Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths. Ironically, this film has gotten slammed by critics for being too self-indulgent and falsely humble. But quite honestly, this is one of my favorite movies I've ever seen. I think if you can identify with Iñarritu’s character, even in the slightest, this movie can be powerful. But it's also possible it's not for everyone.

This blurb on Cosmic Insignificance Therapy was a really compelling read. The link also includes an audio clip you can listen to while you're washing the dishes if reading isn't your thing.

I've been thinking more and more about health these days. I love the perspective Selena Ayala brings to our relationship with food in this article.

Finalllyyy listened to Sudan Archive's Natural Brown Prom Queen. Selfish Soul is a banger.

I was looking into who did the album art for Colleen's Captain of None and came across Iker Spozio. The way he has blended his influences is really inspiring to me these days.

Anyway, that's all for this month! Hope you were able to enjoy at least one thing here as much as I did.