February 6, 2024 — Comments are off for this post.
I hope your year has been off to a nice start. January always tends to fly by for me. After a hectic move last year, I'm getting back in the swing of taking note of small delights to share with you all.
I can't quite remember what corner of the internet I was poking around when I came across the Portuguese tradition of Dia da Espiga. In short, it's a spring ritual where one forages a bouquet of wild plants and flowers to hang in their home, setting intentions for the season. Each plant symbolizes something specific. This article was a nice overview. I find incorporating rituals like this into our lives to be a lovely practice. They encourage us to slow down, reflect, and stay attuned to our environment. Dia da Espiga has me looking forward to welcoming spring.
If you aren't familiar with the work of Andrew Nyer, I suggest checking him out. His work is delightful and clever. He also recently created a Top 100 project where people can submit their own curated playlists. I finally submitted mine.
Bailey Elder's work has captured my attention this month, and I am enamored with her authentic and consistent style across so many mediums. John Zabawa has also been on my radar lately.
I started meditating back in November. Highly recommend! I experimented a few different apps, but have finally settled on Open. They have a robust library with various offerings, and the aesthetics are on point.
Continuing with the theme of meditation, I started reading Catching the Big Fish by David Lynch. I'm having a hard time putting it down. It's one of those books that I dread finishing because I don't want it to be over.
Cheers to a new year! Thanks for reading along, hope you've enjoyed.